Traduction De Agreement En Francais

If you`re looking for the translation of the English word “agreement” in French, you may be surprised to know that there are a few different translations you could use, depending on what you mean by “agreement.”

One common translation of “agreement” in French is “accord.” This can refer to an agreement between two or more parties, such as a business deal or a treaty between countries. For example, you might say “Le nouvel accord commercial entre la France et les États-Unis a été signé hier” (The new trade agreement between France and the United States was signed yesterday).

Another possible translation of “agreement” is “convention.” This term is often used in a legal context to refer to a formal agreement, such as a contract or a settlement. You might say “Les parties ont signé une convention de règlement à l`amiable” (The parties have signed a settlement agreement).

If you`re talking about an agreement in the sense of two or more people or groups coming to a mutual understanding or consensus, you may want to use the translation “entente.” This can also refer to a more informal agreement, such as an agreement between friends or family members. For example, you might say “Après une longue discussion, nous sommes finalement parvenus à une entente” (After a long discussion, we have finally reached an agreement).

It`s important to note that while these translations of “agreement” are all valid in different contexts, choosing the right one can make a big difference in how your message is received. If you`re unsure which term to use, it may be helpful to consult with a bilingual colleague or a professional translator to ensure that you`re conveying exactly what you mean.

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